This year, Diamond is celebrating the fact that it's been 10 years since they got the funding, so there were lots of stands in the atrium with people that we could talk to while we were waiting for our talk and tour. The people I actually talked to for a decent length of time were the crystallography people and the protein/drug people.
For everything to make sense, I think I'll explain about the facilities first, even though I don't remember any of the relevant numbers. Because it was in a shut down period, we got to look at every thing, included the areas that would otherwise be flooded with radiation. Electrons are accelerated to ridiculously fast speeds and they travel in this tiny little metal tube, which is cooled by water. There are magnets, which bend the path of the electrons, and insurgent devices that do the same thing. When that happens, the electrons give off some energy in the form of x-rays, which go into the beam lines.
The beam lines are the places where people do experiments. There are somewhere between 20 and 30 at the moment (I forget exactly), but they were adding another while we were there. They have three sections. The first is the room where the x-rays are filtered, so that only one wavelength comes through, which makes experiments easier. The second room is where the experiment actually happens. Neither of these rooms are safe for people while experiments are in progress, so there are robotic arms and the like in the latter, so scientists can control what's going on. Because of the radiation, both rooms are lead lined, as is anything painted yellow. The third room is the room where the scientist(s) can sit and collate and analyse the data. There are lots of computers; to control the experiment and to use the data collected. (Personally, I was pretty impressed by having two monitors for one computer screen.)
The stands in the atrium were different organisations that use the light source for their research. The crystallographers diffract the x-rays through their crystals and can thus indentify the structure of each material. The structure of DNA was discovered in this way, by two scientists using Diamond's predecessor. More importantly, I found out why chocolate tastes kind of weird after it melts and resolidifies. The nice form of chocolate that you can buy is beta six, and it's not actually the most stable alignment of the molecules, so when it melts and then cools down again, it solidifies in the beta five form, which doesn't taste so nice, but is much more stable. Beta five also has a higher melting point, so it doesn't melt as easily, so tastes a little bitty and is less smooth.
The protein/drug people generally use the Diamond Light Source to analyse proteins using diffraction in a similar way to the crystallographers. As I recall (I'm finishing this post about 3 weeks after we visited) the more we understand about how proteins are folded, the easier it is to find drug molecules that will fit on correctly and therefore help cure the illness. The difficulty in this is that protein folding is incredibly complex and it's difficult to find a molecule that fits the protein exactly. The closer to an exact fit the molecule is, the less chance the drug will bind to any other protein, but when you're not sure exactly how the protein is folded, it's obviously quite hard to find the right molecule.
My contributions to this blog are clearly not quite as useful as GM's, but hey, this is a post that is vaguely interesting, right? ~Georgie